Look for bold stuff to remove or adjust code. Note that changes to summary broke part of qtl2shiny in SNP/Gene Action
This vignette continues an example developed in library qtl2ggplot
using data from qtl2data
with tools found in qtl2pattern.
Calculations are repeated from that example, but only plots that help
tell the story. Focus is entirely on chromosome 2
of the DOex from
‘qtl2data’. See vignette in ‘qtl2ggplot’ for complementary analysis.
Package ‘qtl2pattern’ does not depend on ‘qtl2ggplot’, and can be used independently. However this vignette shows some new ‘ggplot2’ based routines that extend ‘qtl2ggplot’ to the functionality of this package. This vignette illustrates these ‘ggplot2’-derived routines, which is why ‘qtl2ggplot’ is suggested.
Package qtl2pattern
has summary
methods for
and scan1coef
. Not sure these are really
needed. The R/qtl2
routine find_peaks
care of some but not all of this functionality. Sections below are
This vignette uses the example Diversity Outbred (DO) data. See Recla et
al. (2014). These mice were derived from 8 founder strains, yielding
up to 36 allele pairs at any marker. The data can be found in https://github.com/rqtl/qtl2data as DOex
While these data span three chromosomes (2, 3, X
), we focus
here on chromosome 2
Download 36 genotype probabilities for allele pairs by individual and marker.
tmpfile <- tempfile()
download.file(file.path(dirpath, "DOex_genoprobs_2.rds"), tmpfile, quiet=TRUE)
pr <- readRDS(tmpfile)
Or alternatively calculate those genotype probabilities
This section briefly examines SNP association mapping, which involves collapsing the 36 allele pair genotype probabilities to 3 allele probabilities in the region of a QTL peak.
Download snp info from web and read as RDS.
tmpfile <- tempfile()
download.file(file.path(dirpath, "c2_snpinfo.rds"), tmpfile, quiet=TRUE)
snpinfo <- readRDS(tmpfile)
Rename the SNP position as pos
, and add SNP index
Convert genotype probabilities to SNP probabilities. Notice that
starting with the allele probabilities only ends up with 2 SNP alleles
per marker ("A", "B"
), but we want all three
("AA" "AB" "BB"
). Recall that the SNP alleles are in
context of the strain distribution pattern (sdp
) for that
SNP. The sdp
for markers (rsnnn
) are imputed
in ‘qtl2’ from the adjacent SNPs. That is, using allele
apr <- qtl2::genoprob_to_alleleprob(pr)
snpapr <- qtl2::genoprob_to_snpprob(apr, snpinfo)
## [1] 261 2 142
## [1] "A" "B"
while using genotype probabilities,
## [1] 261 3 142
## [1] "AA" "AB" "BB"
Perform SNP association analysis (here, ignoring residual kinship).
Package ‘qtl2’ provides a summary of the peak using
## lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod
## 1 1 OF_immobile_pct 2 96.88443 7.305389
Strain distribution patterns (SDPs) separate out SNPs based on their
SDP and plot the top patterns. For instance sdp = 52
corresponds to pattern ABDGH:CEF
. That is, the SNP genotype
resulting from qtl2::genoprob_to_snpprob
applied to pr
corresponds to any of the 36 allele pairs
with the two alleles drawn from the reference (ref
) set of
(15 pairs:
has two alleles from the alternate (alt
set CEF
(6 pairs: CC, CE, CF, EE, EF, FF
), and
has one from each for the heterogeneous
) set (15 pairs: AC, AE, ..., HF
). There
are 255 possible SDPs, but only a few (4 in our example) that need be
examined carefully. One can think of these as a subset of markers for
genome scan, where interest is only in those SNPS following a particular
; as with genome scans, we can fill in for missing data.
That is, only a few SNPs may show a particular pattern, but key
differences might be seen nearby if we impute SNPs of the same
The top_snps_pattern
routine is an extension of
, which provides more detail on SDPs.
This default summary
is nearly identical to the
of the SNP scan object above:
## # A tibble: 4 × 8
## pheno min_pos max_pos max_lod min_lod sdp pattern snp_id
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr>
## 1 OF_immobile_pct 96.9 97.0 7.31 7.31 52 ABDGH:CEF 3 SNPs
## 2 OF_immobile_pct 96.8 96.8 7.04 7.04 48 ABCDGH:EF 12 SNPs
## 3 OF_immobile_pct 96.9 98.2 5.99 5.99 16 ABCDFGH:E 25 SNPs
## 4 OF_immobile_pct 96.9 96.9 5.97 5.97 20 ABDFGH:CE 9 SNPs
There may be multiple SNPs identified for an SDP with the same LOD,
covering a range of positions. If there is a range of lod
values, there are additional SNPs beyond those reported in the summary
with lod
values below the maximum (see
patterns in plot
above). The following summary shows details for the first 10 SNPS with
top lod
per SDP:
## # A tibble: 6 × 17
## pheno chr pos lod snp_id sdp alleles AJ B6 `129` NOD NZO
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 OF_immob… 2 96.9 7.31 rs586… 52 C|T 1 1 3 1 3
## 2 OF_immob… 2 96.9 7.31 rs490… 52 G|A 1 1 3 1 3
## 3 OF_immob… 2 97.0 7.31 rs244… 52 A|T 1 1 3 1 3
## 4 OF_immob… 2 96.8 7.04 rs212… 48 C|G 1 1 1 1 3
## 5 OF_immob… 2 96.8 7.04 rs229… 48 T|A 1 1 1 1 3
## 6 OF_immob… 2 96.8 7.04 rs254… 48 C|T 1 1 1 1 3
## # ℹ 5 more variables: CAST <dbl>, PWK <dbl>, WSB <dbl>, interval <int>,
## # on_map <lgl>
A new routine scan1pattern
scans the peak region for
each of the 4 patterns provided. That is, the SDP scan only considers
SNPs that have a particular strain distribution pattern and uses the SNP
probabilities. However, for each markers (or any genome position), one
can impute a SNP with any particular SDP and compute its SDP
probabilities. That is, we could consider the SDP probabilities at every
marker position for the SDP 48 (pattern ABCDGH:EF
) and do
an SDP scan with these SDP probabilities. That is what the routine
## # A tibble: 4 × 7
## sdp snp_id max_pos pheno founders contrast max_lod
## <int> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 52 3 SNPs 98.3 OF_immobile_pct ABDGH:CEF "" 7.31
## 2 48 12 SNPs 98.3 OF_immobile_pct ABCDGH:EF "" 7.04
## 3 16 25 SNPs 98.3 OF_immobile_pct ABCDFGH:E "" 5.99
## 4 20 9 SNPs 96.8 OF_immobile_pct ABDFGH:CE "" 5.97
Here is a scan around the region where we have SNP information. The SDPs 52 and 53 are both higher than the other two patterns, and sustain the SDP peak several cM to the right of the allele peak region. This difference in pattern, if real, might suggest some form of allele interaction is important.
plot(scan_pat$scan, DOex$pmap, lodcolumn = 2, col = "red", xlim = c(90,110), type = "b")
abline(v = c(96.5, 98.5), col = "darkgray", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
plot(scan_pat$scan, DOex$pmap, lodcolumn = 1, add = TRUE, col = "blue", type = "b")
plot(scan_pat$scan, DOex$pmap, lodcolumn = 3, add = TRUE, col = "purple", type = "b")
plot(scan_pat$scan, DOex$pmap, lodcolumn = 4, add = TRUE, col = "green", type = "b")
title("Scans for SDP 52 (blue), 43 (red), 16 (purple), 20 (green)")
Here is a scan over the whole chromosome, imputing SDP. These
correspond to reducing the 8 alleles to 2 corresponding to the
for sdp 52) and alt
for sdp 52) composite alleles for the blue curve.
plot(scan_pat$scan, DOex$pmap, lodcolumn = 2, col = "red")
abline(v = c(96.5, 98.5), col = "darkgray", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
plot(scan_pat$scan, DOex$pmap, lodcolumn = 1, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
plot(scan_pat$scan, DOex$pmap, lodcolumn = 3, add = TRUE, col = "purple")
plot(scan_pat$scan, DOex$pmap, lodcolumn = 4, add = TRUE, col = "green")
title("Scans for SDP 52 (blue), 43 (red), 16 (purple), 20 (green)")
In a similar fashion to a two-allele cross, we can examine the SDP effects. The top row of the plot below is for the patterns with the higher LOD score.
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))
cols <- c("blue","purple","red")
for(i in 1:4) {
plot(scan_pat$coef[[i]], DOex$pmap, columns = 1:3, col = cols, xlim = c(90,110), type = "b")
title(paste("Coefficients for", pat_names[i]))
if(i == 3) {
abline(v = c(96.5, 98.5), col = "darkgray", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
legend(104, -3, legend = c("ref","het","alt"),
col = cols, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
From these, the coefficients for pattern ABDGH:CEF
52) appear to be problematic, whereas pattern ABCDGH:EF
show a clear pattern of dominance of the reference allele, consistent
with the earlier plot of allele coefficients where E = NZO
and F = CAST
. The pattern ABCFGH:CE
shows a
similar dominance, but the allele C = 129
does not stand
out in the allele plot. This could be that 129
is important
in combination with NZO
. This is even more apparent when
looking at coefficients over the entire chromosome.
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
cols <- c("blue","purple","red")
for(i in 1:4) {
plot(scan_pat$coef[[i]], DOex$pmap, columns = 1:3, col = cols)
title(paste("Coefficients for", pat_names[i]))
if(i == 3) {
abline(v = c(96.5, 98.5), col = "darkgray", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
legend(125, -3, legend = c("ref","het","alt"),
col = cols, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
We are now going to look at some of the 36 coefficients. These are
unwieldy, so we collapse the allele pairs for SDP 52, pattern
into "ref", "het", "alt"
summaries, looking individually only at pairs
"EE", "EF", "FF"
The following is messy code to just pull out weighted averages
corresponding to reference, het, and alternative genotypes at the
x <- LETTERS[1:8]
ref <- outer(x,x,paste0)
ref <- ref[upper.tri(ref, diag=TRUE)]
ss <- 2 - sapply(stringr::str_split(ref, ""), function(x) x[1] == x[2])
alt <- ref[!stringr::str_detect(ref, c("A|B|C|D|G|H"))]
het <- ref[stringr::str_detect(ref, c("A|B|C|D|G|H")) & stringr::str_detect(ref, c("E|F"))]
altw <- ss[match(alt, ref, nomatch = 0)]
hetw <- ss[match(het, ref, nomatch = 0)]
refw <- ss[!stringr::str_detect(ref, c("E|F"))]
ref <- ref[!stringr::str_detect(ref, c("E|F"))]
coefsum <- coefs2
coefsum[,"AA"] <- apply(coefsum[,ref], 1, weighted.mean, w = refw)
coefsum[,"AB"] <- apply(coefsum[,het], 1, weighted.mean, w = hetw)
coefsum[,"BB"] <- apply(coefsum[,alt], 1, weighted.mean, w = altw)
colnames(coefsum)[1:3] <- c("ref","het","alt")
plot(coefsum, DOex$pmap, c("ref", "het", "alt", alt), xlim = c(90,110), ylim = c(-500, 500),
col = c(1,8,7,2:4), type = "b")
abline(h = mean(DOex$pheno[,"OF_immobile_pct"]), lwd = 2, col = "darkgrey", lty = 2)
abline(v = c(96.5, 98.5), col = "darkgray", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
title("Allele Coefficients for OF_immobile_pct")
legend(105, 80, legend = c("ref", "het", "alt", alt),
col = c(1,8,7,2:4), lty = 1, lwd = 2)
Estimates for allele pairs are imprecise, so let’s drop the extreme
. The "ref"
, "het"
are weighted mean of 15, 6, 15 allele pairs,
respectively, assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. We see that the
allele pairs "EF", "FF"
lie near "het"
below "ref"
in the peak region in the graph below.
plot(coefsum, DOex$pmap, c("ref", "het", alt[-1]), xlim = c(90,110), ylim = c(55,90),
col = c(1,8,3:4), type = "b")
abline(h = mean(DOex$pheno[,"OF_immobile_pct"]), lwd = 2, col = "darkgrey", lty = 2)
abline(v = c(96.5, 98.5), col = "darkgray", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
title("Allele Pair Coefficients for OF_immobile_pct")
legend(107, 75, legend = c("ref", "het", alt[-1]),
col = c(1,8,3:4), lty = 1, lwd = 2)
These look off somehow. Probably don’t have best choice of position. Also, allele1 is fragile if you don’t provide stuff. Also, want to add plot of data.
scan_apr <- qtl2::scan1(apr, DOex$pheno)
coefs <- qtl2::scan1coef(apr, DOex$pheno)
coefs2 <- qtl2::scan1coef(pr, DOex$pheno)
alleles <- allele1(probD = pr,
scanH = scan_apr, coefH = coefs, coefD = coefs2,
scan_pat = scan_pat, map = DOex$pmap, alt = "E")
Look at subset with haplotype and the 3 well-behaved SDPs.
aa <- subset(alleles, sources = levels(alleles$source)[c(1,4:6)])
ggplot2::autoplot(aa, scan_apr, DOex$pmap, frame = FALSE)
The following plot of data uses the closest marker to the SDP 48 max. Hopefully this marker has SDP 48. We could likely improve things with more work by using the SDP probabilities. Check sign on calculations.
pos = patterns$max_pos[patterns$sdp == 48]
wh <- which.min(abs(pos - DOex$pmap[[1]]))
geno <- apply(snppr[[1]][,,wh], 1, function(x) which.max(x))
geno <- factor(c("ref","het","alt")[geno], c("ref","het","alt"))
dat <- data.frame(DOex$pheno, geno = geno)
dat$x <- jitter(rep(1, nrow(dat)))
ggplot2::ggplot(dat) +
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = OF_immobile_pct, col = geno, label = geno) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot() +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ geno)
These plots anticipate some of the possibilities with mediation.
Download Gene info for DOex from web via RDS. For the example below, genes are presented without exons.
tmpfile <- tempfile()
download.file(file.path(dirpath, "c2_genes.rds"), tmpfile, quiet=TRUE)
gene_tbl <- readRDS(tmpfile)
class(gene_tbl) <- c("feature_tbl", class(gene_tbl))
Variants are usually SNPs, but may be of other types, such as
deletions (DEL
), insertions (INS
), or
insertions and deletions (InDel
). The routine cannot yet
handle major chromosomal rearrangements and translocations. In addition
variants may be intronic, exonic, or intergenic, depending on the
“consequence” as reported in the variant database.
## [1,] 25 12 9 3
Add bogus consequence for show.
It is also possible to consider different types of gene action for
SDPs. With no restrictions, there are 2 degrees of freedom
). Various one df options include
, dominant
, recessive
itive. It is also possible if sex is encoded to
separate analysis by sex.
This currently ignores snp_type
Add fake exons.
# Not quite right.
gene <- "Lrrc4c"
geneinfo <- dplyr::filter(gene_tbl, Name == gene)
parts <- geneinfo$start + diff(unlist(geneinfo[,c("start","stop")])) * (0:5) / 5
geneinfo <- geneinfo[rep(1,3),]
geneinfo$type <- "exon"
geneinfo$start <- parts[c(1,3,5)]
geneinfo$stop <- parts[c(2,4,6)]
gene_tbl <- rbind(gene_tbl[1,], geneinfo, gene_tbl[-1,])
Plot Genes within some distance of high SNPs.
Adding the result of top_snps_pattern
significant SNPS on the plot of genes.
The routine
examines individual genes and their
exons. This example does not have exons, so there is just the figure of
the gene. Exons would appear on different rows. Again, the vertical
dashed lines correspond to SNPs with high LODs.
# Get Gene exon information.
out <- gene_exon(top_snps_tbl, gene_tbl)
summary(out, gene = out$gene[1])
## gene source type start stop strand
## 1 4930445B16Rik MGI gene 96.98702 97.08356 -
The package R/qtl2 is designed for large crosses, in which phenotype, genotype and variant information may require substantial space and efficient access and calculations. Here is some additional information that is useful when working with large crosses. See the following information at :
Large systems genetics studies have databases that need not be
uploaded to R, but are better accessed via query searchers. Package
‘qtl2’ has two functions to create query functions for SNP and other
variants (create_variante_query_func
) and genes
). Package ‘qtl2pattern’ adds a
function for genotype probabilities
Here are query function creations using the ‘qtl2’ routines, assuming
that variants and genes are stored in an SQLite
database in folder qtl2shinyData/CCmouse
query_variants <-
file.path("qtl2shinyData", "CCmouse", "cc_variants.sqlite"))
query_genes <-
file.path("qtl2shinyData", "CCmouse", "mouse_genes.sqlite"))
Here are the objects in the local query_variants()
## [1] "chr_field" "db" "dbfile" "filter" "id_field"
## [6] "pos_field" "query_func" "sdp_field" "table_name"
Here is the value of dbfile
in the local
## [1] "qtl2shinyData/CCmouse/cc_variants.sqlite"
While these can be used interactively, their real value comes in
saving them for use separately, such as with ‘qtl2shiny’. This can be
done using saveRDS
, with later access using
saveRDS(query_variants, "query_variants.rds")
# other code
query_variants <- readRDS("query_variants.rds")
The new routine in ‘qtl2pattern’ is for genotype probabilities, which
can now be quite large when considering SNP probabilities. These are
also specific to a cross, whereas the variants and genes are specific to
a taxa. The strategy is to place genotype probabilities in a folder
(default names is genoprob
) either in RDS or FST
The current preferred storage for large probability files uses package fst via the package qtl2fst. Here is some of the size information from the full Recla genotype data.
> dirpath <- "inst/qtl2shinyApp/qtl2shinyData/CCmouse/Recla/genoprob/"
> fpr <- readRDS(file.path(dirpath, "fst_probs.rds"))
> print(object.size(fpr), units = "Mb")
1.5 Mb
> dim(fpr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 X
ind 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261
gen 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 44
mar 536 542 469 452 438 444 423 373 386 430 393 355 362 369 303 299 270 260 196 439
> file.info(file.path(dirpath, "fst_probs.rds"))$size
[1] 70827
> file.info(file.path(dirpath, "probs_1.fst"))$size
[1] 40314202
Thus the master FST file "fst_probs.rds"
external to ‘R’
is 71Kb, while the FST database for Chr 1 external to ‘R’ is 40Mb. There
is a separate file for each chromosome. All combined, the external
storage for the master FST and chromosome-specific data is over 800Mb;
adding the allele probabilities, which are much smaller, brings the
total to ~1Gb. The storage for Recla genotype probabilities is roughly
proportional to the number of individuals (261), number of markers
(7739), and number of allele pairs (36), that is about 14b per
individual, marker and allele pair.
Internal to ‘R’, the FST genotype probability object fpr
is 1.5Mb, and contains all the information about where to find the
genotype probability information for individual chromosomes. One uses
this object as one uses the genotype probability object pr
created by qtl2::calc_genoprob
, using functions in ‘qtl2’.
However, it is much smaller. Typically, ‘qtl2’ functions will only need
a small part of the genotype probabilities at any time. See
documentation for qtl2fst
for more information.